Friday, September 08, 2006

Barbara Stroud

Picture: This summer our sons and their wives gave us a surprise anniversary party with delicious food, wonderful friends/family and great memories. The picture is of my husband of 36 years, Roger and our granddaughter Mia.
Current Position: Title-One Teacher
Work Location: Spinning Elementary
Family: My family consists of my wonderful husband Roger and two great sons. Bill and his family live in Renton and our son Jim and his wife live in Phoenix. We also have two grandsons and a granddaughter.
Interesting Fact: After I got married, I moved to Alaska and taught school for two years in Anchorage. My body thermostat is cold most of the time and I did not look forward to the harsh winters up there. I found that for nine months out of the year, I would wear long thermal underwear just to keep a hint of warmth on me. Recess duty at ten degrees is not fun! Although I no longer wear the thermal underwear , I'm still cold-blooded--so I'm looking forward to having a classroom at Carson Elementary that is WARM--hint, hint Arturo.
Dream Job: As a small child, I would play school with my sisters and brothers. We would play for hours and being the oldest child in the family, I got to be the teacher. My love for education started at an early age and I feel so grateful to have fulfilled my lifetime dream of becoming a teacher.


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